
This use case will guide you on how to set up of a cross-cloud software defined network for containers using Weave net, Weave Scope and Docker.

See requirements.

At the end we'll deploy two containers one in DigitalOcean and another one in AWS that will communicate with each other.

As we'll use CoreOS that are minimal and do not ship with any version of python we'll need to install a python interpreter inside the machines. We'll use an Ansible community module for this, let's begin...

Downloading dependencies. Ansible galaxy.

Source code: git checkout step-1

Before reinventing the wheel you can try yo reuse. Ansible galaxy is a website for sharing and downloading Ansible roles and a command line tool for managing and creating roles. You can download roles from Ansible galaxy or from your specific git repository. Ansible allows you to define your dependencies with standalone roles in a yaml file. See requirements.yml

- src: defunctzombie.coreos-bootstrap
  name: coreos_bootstrap

We'll use CoreOS machines in this tutorial. By default Ansible assumes it can find a /usr/bin/python on your remote system. Coreos machines are minimal and do not ship with any version of python. The coreos-bootstrap role will install pypy for us.

Certain settings in Ansible are adjustable via a configuration file. Click here for a very complete template.

We'll set here the target folder for our community roles

In ansible.cfg:

roles_path = roles


Just run ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Boostraping ansible dependencies for CoreOS. The Inventory and the Playbook.

Source code: git checkout step-2

We'll create an inventory so we can specify the target hosts. You can create meaninful groups for your hosts in order to decide what systems you are controlling at what times and for what purpose.

You can also specify variables for groups. We set the CoreOS specifics here.

do01 ansible_ssh_host=


ansible_python_interpreter="PATH=/home/core/bin:$PATH python"



We'll create a playbook so we can declare our expected configuration for every host.

In this step our playbook.yml will only include the role downloaded previewsly on every coreos machine (just one so far). By default.

- name: bootstrap coreos hosts
  hosts: coreos
  gather_facts: False
    - coreos_bootstrap

The folder tree will look like this now:


Run ansible:

ansible-playbook -i inventory playbook.yml


Adding a new machine on a different cloud. Inventory groups.

Source code: git checkout step-3

We add the new machine into our Inventory file:

do01 ansible_ssh_host=
aws01 ansible_ssh_host=


ansible_python_interpreter="PATH=/home/core/bin:$PATH python"






ansible all -i inventory -m ping

You will see it fails for aws01 as the python interpreter is not there yet.


So let's apply the playbook again.

ansible-playbook -i inventory playbook.yml



ansible all -i inventory -m ping



Overriding role variables.

Source code: git checkout step-4

So far we have used Ansible to set up a python interpreter for the CoreOS machines so we can run Ansible effectively as many modules rely on python.

In this Step we'll setup a Weave network and Weave Scope between both clouds so docker containers can communicate with ease.

We add a new role dependency on the requirements.

- src: defunctzombie.coreos-bootstrap
  name: coreos_bootstrap

- src: https://github.com/Capgemini/weave-ansible
  name: weave


ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

We'll modify the inventory to create a group of hosts that belong to the weave network. By using the "children" tag you can create a group of groups


We'll override the weave role variables for satisfying our needs. Ansible allows to create variables per host, per group, or site wide variables by setting group_vars/all

In group_vars/weave_server.yml

weave_launch_peers: "
{%- for host in groups[weave_server_group] -%}
{%- if host != inventory_hostname -%}
{{ hostvars[host].ansible_ssh_host }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}"

weave_proxy_args: '--rewrite-inspect'
weave_router_args: ''
weave_version: 1.7.2
scope_enabled: true
scope_launch_peers: ''
  none: none

Add te weave role into our playbook:

- include: coreos-bootstrap.yml

- hosts: weave_servers
    - weave

Run ansible again to configure weave:

ansible-playbook -i inventory playbook.yml

You can run commands remotely from Ansible cli. Lets check that weave is up and running:

ansible all -i inventory -a "/mnt/weave status"


We should be able to access to the Scope UI on the browser now:


Templates and variables from other hosts.

The weave role relies on Ansible templates for generating Systemd scripts:


Description=Weave Network Router

Environment=WEAVE_VERSION={{ weave_version }}

ExecStartPre={{ weave_bin }} launch-router $WEAVE_ROUTER_ARGS $WEAVE_PEERS
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker attach weave
ExecStartPost={{ weave_bin }} expose

ExecStop={{ weave_bin }} stop-router



WEAVE_PEERS="{{ weave_launch_peers }}"
WEAVEPROXY_ARGS="{{ weave_proxy_args }}"
WEAVE_ROUTER_ARGS="{{ weave_router_args }}"
# Uncomment and make it more secure
# WEAVE_PASSWORD="aVeryLongString"

Weave needs to know the ips of the different host of the network. Ansible provide some magic variables so you can get information from the different hosts while running a playbook.

This templates are populated at runtime by using hostvars magic variable.

weave_launch_peers: "
{%- for host in groups[weave_server_group] -%}
{%- if host != inventory_hostname -%}
{{ hostvars[host].ansible_ssh_host }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}"

Tags And conditionals

Source code: git checkout step-5

In this step we'll use the power of tags and conditional in order to deploy some services running on docker so we can test that they can communicate from DigitalOcean to AWS.

The playbook will look like this now:

- include: coreos-bootstrap.yml

- hosts: weave_servers
    - weave

- include: deployment.yml
  when: deployment_enabled
  - deployment

We'll run this under demand by using the conditional when: deployment_enabled and tags.

We'll create a site wide variables file at group_vars/all.yml

deployment_enabled: true

Run only the deployment tasks by specifying the tag:

ansible-playbook -i inventory playbook.yml --tags="deployment"

weaveworks/gs-spring-boot-docker is running on AWS now and weaveworks/weave-gs-ubuntu-curl is running on DigitalOcean.

If you check the logs for the weaveworks/weave-gs-ubuntu-curl container or you run curl http://spring-hello.weave.local:8080/ inside the container you'll see how is communicating with the weaveworks/gs-spring-boot-docker container that is running on AWS.

You can also check the connection on Scope:




After following all the steps your folder tree should look something like this:


You should now be able to have a better idea about the strengths of Ansible and how to make the most out of it. Contributions are very welcome here https://github.com/enxebre/ansible-pragmatic-guide

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